artConnect serves as a forum for artists on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake
to connect, exchange ideas, offer mutual support and promote
multi-disciplinary arts and cultural activities in our community.

ArtConnect will embrace persons and groups engaged in activities including:

  1. Musical events including classical and modern through recitals, concerts, coffee houses, and workshops
  2. Literary Arts performances including poetry readings and book introductions and signings
  3. Art openings, shows and instruction workshops of various media for adults and youth
  4. Hosting contemplative practices including meditation, yoga, healing arts, and mind-body disciplines
  5. Hosting lectures on topics of special interest such as local history, health and spiritual teachings
  6. Maintaining an informational website, and social media presence, through which to share upcoming events and workshops, biographies, artists’ portfolios, newsletter, on-line auctions and funding opportunities

Our Goals

  1. Promote musical experiences for the community.
  2. Promote the visual and performing artists’ development, from beginner to advanced levels.
  3. Promote/connect art and culture as an economic stimulus and force on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake.
  4. Offer a venue for regular contemplative and meditative practices.
  5. Promote the involvement of youth in all aspects of the arts and culture field.
  6. Facilitate and maintain the historical former Harrison Church, in Crawford Bay, as a venue for the activities of ArtConnect and other similar activities that respect, in principle, the original intent for the church.

The South Kootenay Lake ArtConnect, a non-profit society, was incorporated in May, 2020. We serve the East Shore of Kootenay Lake from Wyndell to Riondel.

Board members

Zora Doval, President 250-777-1856
Lois Wakelin, Treasurer 250-227-9126
Lorna Robin
Miroslav Doval
Paul Winfield

ArtConnect is proud to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Creston Valley Arts Council
and to be sponsored by these fine area businesses